Rayka Zehtabchi is an Iranian-American director/producer working in both documentary and fiction, and the first Iranian woman to win an Oscar. Her passion lies in telling human stories that bring awareness and action to little-known social causes. Rayka’s Oscar-winning Netflix short documentary, Period. End of Sentence. is about a group of village women in Northern India who start a sanitary pad-making business in an effort to improve feminine hygiene and de-stigmatize menstruation. Rayka has also directed multiple branded documentaries including They Came From All Over (META), United O (Special Olympics), Ours to Tell (Planned Parenthood), and A Woman’s Place (KitchenAid), which can be seen on Hulu. Outside of branded work, Rayka’s films (SHn(y)oof)Madaran, Just Hold On, and Are You Still There? have collectively received Vimeo Staff Picks and won Jury awards at prestigious festivals around the world. Rayka continues to work in both documentary and fiction, pushing the boundaries of each form with every project she helms.

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